About Me

Hello, friends! I'm so glad you're checking out who I am and what I believe. The "About Me" section is the first thing I look at when discerning who someone is online. I prioritize these things in my life: The gospel, my family and my friends. So what will you see on this blog? Though I wear many hats, being a homemaker is my priority, and as such you will see many posts related to homemaking, recipes, and living a life consistent with my faith. I am first and foremost a Christian, saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. I am by no means an expert in anything, least of all being wise; I am growing every day through God's grace. If you asked me what my hobbies were, the answer I give would depend on the day and how busy I am! I enjoy baking and cooking from scratch, and reading all forms of literature: fiction, non-fiction, blogs, random Facebook posts, pretty much anything. No matter how busy I am I always take time to enjoy coffee. Yes, I'm afraid it's a hobby at this point. Coffee and donut shops are the first thing I Google when going out of town. Suggestions appreciated. In 2003, at the ripe age of 20, I married a Godly man and have three children. My husband and I grew up in Kansas City, Missouri, but have lived in Naples, Florida for most of the last 16 years. I enjoy listeing to expository preaching, going to the beach with my family, camping, playing cards and going on as many dates as I can with my husband. I started blogging in 2004 with a group of friends, and in 2007 I blogged nearly every day when I took a break from my job as a court stenographer to raise my children. As Facebook became the way I kept up with friends, my blogs slowly transitioned from a diary of sorts to recipe posts and craft tutorials. I put my multiple blogs on the shelf from 2014 to 2021 while I focused on my family and my career as a stenographer. I have dearly missed writing and I'm so happy you're here to read what my wretched soul has to say. What works for my family may not work for you and your circumstances; that is okay! However you came to visit my site, I am glad you stopped by!
